This is the second Field School carried out in Chile by Smart Forests, in the context of its case study on forest fires, which brought together actors who had already participated before as well as those identified and interviewed in recent months. This transdisciplinary instance brought together community leaders, key actors at local, regional and national levels, and professionals and researchers interested in the topics of Forest Fires,
Disaster Risk Management
and Environmental Education. They were able to contribute with knowledge, experiences, information on decision-making processes and the transmission of ideas within their broader networks, especially in what is relevant to the creation and strengthening of instances of community organization in the face of fires and the visibility of resources for the formation of collaborative networks with various organizations and institutions covering different regions of the country, such as the Valparaiso, Metropolitan, Biobío, Ñuble and La Araucanía regions.
This meeting considered, unlike the first Field School held on April 11, 2024, an exhibition and virtual
modality, which allowed the presence of actors from other locations who for various reasons could not attend Pucón on this date. For this, the exhibition and workshop activities were adapted to be implemented on the Zoom
, through its Whiteboard tool.
The objective of the first Field School was to discuss and jointly propose practices and guidelines for the development of community
prevention plans. In this second instance, although we also sought to share experiences on
forest fire
prevention practices, we also considered the approach of axes and dimensions identified from the interviews conducted in the ongoing research of the Smart Forests project on '
' and community fire networks, which influence both the current territorial dynamics and those that we aspire to promote. Therefore, this instance also allowed us to present to the community the main learnings and challenges identified in this research.
The day was marked by three moments: 1) the exhibition of community and institutional experiences, 2) the Forest Fire as Planetarium game, co-creation of more than human stories about fire, and 3) the workshop on Social
of forests and fire, from the real to the imagined.
The first part consisted of presentations of the work carried out by the Smart Forests Team in Chile during the last months, as well as the experiences of several community and institutional organizations focused on the prevention and combat of forest fires in Chile in the last few years. Among them, the Chucaw Mahuida Ecobrigade (Lampa, Metropolitan Region), Caritas Chile (Ñuble and Valparaiso Regions), and the Águila Sur Emergency Committee (Paine, Metropolitan Region).