Forest Sensing Library
A short selection of texts that inform the BEK workshop and walk
Bennett M. M., Chen J. K., Alvarez León L. F., and C. J. Gleason. 2022. “The Politics of Pixels: A Review and Agenda for Critical Remote Sensing.” Progress in Human Geography 46 (3): 729–52.
Chazdon R. L., Brancalion P. H. S., Laestadius L., Bennett-Curry A., Buckingham K., Kumar C., Moll-Rocek J., et al. 2016. “When is a Forest a Forest? Forest Concepts and Definitions in the Era of Forest and Landscape Restoration.” Ambio 45 (5): 538–50.
Gabrys, Jennifer. Citizens of Worlds: Open-Air Toolkits for Environmental Struggle. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2022. Open-access text and project materials available on Manifold.
Gabrys, Jennifer. “The Forest That Walks: Digital Fieldwork and Distributions of Site.” In the special issue, Critical Walking Methodologies and Oblique Agitations of Place. Qualitative Inquiry 28, no. 2 (2022): 228-235.
Gabrys, Jennifer. Program Earth: Environmental Sensing Technology and the Making of a Computational Planet (University of Minnesota, 2016):
Gabrys, Jennifer. “Sensing Lichens: From Ecological Microcosms to Environmental Subjects.” In the special issue, The Wretched Earth: Botanical Conflicts and Artistic Interventions. Third Text 151, vol. 32, no. 2 (2018): 350-367. DOI: 10.1080/09528822.2018.1483884.
Gabrys J. 2020. “Smart Forests and Data Practices: From the Internet of Trees to Planetary
Big Data
and Society 7 (1): 1–10.
Gabrys, Jennifer, Michelle Westerlaken, Danilo Urzedo, Max Ritts, and Trishant Simlai. “Reworking the Political in Digital Forests: The Cosmopolitics of Socio-technical Worlds.” Progress in Environmental Geography 1, nos. 1-4 (2022): 58-83. DOI: 10.1177/27539687221117836.
Goldstein J. E. 2019. “The Volumetric Political Forest:
, Satellite
Mapping, and Indonesia’s Burning Peatland.” Antipode 52 (4): 1060–82.
Helmreich S. 2011. “From Spaceship Earth to Google Ocean: Planetary Icons, Indexes, and Infrastructures.” Social Research 78 (4): 1211–42.
Latulippe N., Klenk N. 2020. “Making Room and Moving Over: Knowledge Co-Production,
Indigenous Knowledge
and the Politics of Global Environmental Change Decision-Making.” Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 42: 7–14.
Peluso Nancy Lee, Vandergeest Peter. 2020. “Writing
Political Forests
.” Antipode 52 (4): 1083–103.
Vurdubakis T., Rajão R. 2020. “Envisioning Amazonia:
Technology, Legality and the (Dis)Enchantments of Infrastructure.” Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space 5 (1): 81–103.
Westerlaken, Michelle, Jennifer Gabrys, and Danilo Urzedo. “Digital Gardening with a Forest Atlas: Designing a Pluralistic and Participatory Open-Data Platform.” In PDC ‘22: Proceedings of the 17th Participatory
Conference 2022 – Embracing Cosmologies: Expanding Worlds of Participatory Design, Vol. 2 (August 2022), 25-32. DOI: 10.1145/3537797.3537804.
Westerlaken, Michelle, Jennifer Gabrys, Danilo Urzedo, and Max Ritts. “Unsettling Participation by Foregrounding More-Than-Human Relations in Digital Forests.” Environmental Humanities 15, no. 1 (2023): 87–108. DOI: 10.1215/22011919-10216173.