In this episode, we speak to Dr Carlos Souza, a researcher at Imazon, the Amazon Institute of People and the Environment. Carlos discusses developing
remote sensing
tools to map and monitor but also predict
and environmental change. He also reflects on collaborating with
big tech
companies, and asymmetry of access to information and
digital technologies
in the Amazon.
Interviewers: Danilo Urzedo, Jennifer Gabrys, and Michelle Westerlaken
Producer: Harry Murdoch
Listen on Apple and Spotify.
This radio episode was produced by the Smart Forests project funded by the European Research Council. Smart Forests is led by Professor Jennifer Gabrys and is based in the Department of Sociology at the University of Cambridge.
Header image credit: PrevisIA platform showing areas at risk of deforestation. Image source: PrevisIA [screenshot]. Retrieved 26 July 2022, from
Smart Forests Atlas materials are free to use for non-commercial purposes (with attribution) under a
CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license.
To cite this radio episode:
Souza, Carlos, Danilo Urzedo, Jennifer Gabrys and Michelle Westerlaken, "Carlos Souza: Remote Sensing in the Amazon", Smart Forests Atlas (2023), DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10686705.