Perhutana (Perusahaan Hutan Tanaraya) is a social forestry project in Jatiwangi, a clay roof-tile producing area in West Java. The community plans to reclaim 8 hectares of land as conservation forest (hutan konservasi) in an increasingly industrialised area. The project operates on the basis of investments into the forest, with each investor receiving a 4x4m² plot, a physical soil brick certificate, and an NFT.

Kassel, Hesse, Deutschland

Perhutana at documenta

Screengrab from the Perhutana promotional video, showing a soil brick certificate for investing in the forest. Image source: Jatwiangi art Factory [screengrab]. Retrieved 13 July 2022, from

Perhutana was launched at documenta, an art show that takes place every five years in Kassel, Germany, and whose fifteenth iteration curated by the Indonesian arts collective ruangrupa in 2022 focused on principles of collectivity and resource sharing through the concept of lumbung (an Indonesian word for a communal rice barn). Perhutana was a contribution by Jatiwangi art Factory, a community-based arts organisation working on local projects for collectively reimagining the Jatiwangi area and a trans-local New Rural Agenda for rural community networks.

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