
Initiatives for the co-production of community-led communication networks have triggered Indigenous leadership in the creation of podcasts as political instruments for socioenvironmental transformations in Brazil. Find out more in our radio episode with Letícia Leite, founder of Vem de Áudio.

Distrito Federal, Região Centro-Oeste, Brasil

Copiô, Parente! Podcast

Copiô, Parente! was launched in 2017 by Instituto Socioambiental as the first Brazilian podcast produced for Indigenous and traditional communities. The podcast is now in its 228th episode and reaches thousands of people every week to communicate how federal political decisions impact Indigenous territories throughout Brazil.

Access the Copiô, Parente! podcast here.

“Copiô, Parente" podcast
Copiô, Parente! podcast logo, episode 155. Image source: Copiô, Parente! Spotify page [image]. Retrieved 22 June 2022, from https://open.spotify.com/show/6AaTJaUXByqGC0A9FYwXeR
Amazonas, Região Norte, Brasil

The Wayuri Network

Young Indigenous communicators are at the forefront of a regional network in the Negro river in the Amazon for organizing Indigenous communication channels. The Wayuri Network produces a monthly podcast to report regional stories, social issues, and political debates to 750 communities of Baré, Baniwa, Desana, Tariana, Tukano, Tuyuka, Wanano, and Yanomami people.

Check here the Wayuri’s channel on Soundcloud.

Wayuri network.
The Wayuri Network logo. Image source: Rede Wayuri (Wayurki network), Reporters Without Borders webpage [image]. Retrieved 22 June 2022, from https://rsf.org/en/rede-wayuri

Brazil's Traditional Peoples and Communities Podcast

Oral histories from different community groups explain the struggles and victories to access and manage their territories in Brazil. This podcast brings the voices of local leaders to demonstrate how community mobilization can result in political transformations.

Listen to the podcast here.

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Brazil's Traditional Peoples and Communities podcast logo. Image source: Povos e Comunidades Tradicionais do Brasil Spotify page [image]. Retrieved 22 June 2022, from https://open.spotify.com/show/2LyvlDYMXx1CV3HY8HFE8z

Papo de Parente Podcast

Papo de Parente showcases diverse Brazilian Indigenous cultures through several discussions about traditional agriculture , medicine, politics, and literature. The podcast is presented by the Indigenous leader and educator, Célia Xakriabá and the Indigenous gastronomy student, Tukumã Pataxó. Célia answers questions from listeners about contemporary Indigenous issues in Brazil, and Tukumã presents different combinations of ingredients used in the Indigenous cuisine. Papo de Parente is a podcast produced to Indigenize Brazil.

You can access the podcast here.

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Papo de Parent podcast logo. Image source: Papo de Parente Spotify page [image]. Retrieved 22 June 2022, from https://open.spotify.com/show/2l4MRALO8Pz01hFxFJpQVt