On the 5th of May 2024, we held a
field school
on forest,
, and
of the
Bujang Raba
village forest. We were joined by Emmy Primadona and Famila Juniarti from KKI Warsi, who approached forest carbon activities from traditional, cultural, and financial narratives. The Field School, held in Laman Panjang village,
province, was attended by 24 participants from the forest village communities and forest patrols of Buat, Laman Panjang, Lubuk Beringin, Senamat Ulu, and Sungai Telang villages. We engaged them in discussions about their understanding of a forest, their evaluation of the
present forest
and speculation about the
future forest
, and how a carbon project influences their forest activities. The participants, divided into groups based on their villages, provided unique insights in their responses.