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Mohammad Meer Hamza: Van Gujjars and Mapping for Forest Rights

Forests Rights Act conservation digital technologies pastoralism

In this episode of Smart Forests Radio, we are in conversation with Mohammad Meer Hamza about the Van Gujjars, an indigenous pastoralist community in South Asia. We explore the community's rich history, the challenges they have endured due to colonial conservation practices, and how modern technologies, including digital tools , are reshaping forest governance and mapping practices.

Interviewer: Trishant Simlai

Producer: Harry Murdoch

Listen on Apple and Spotify.

This radio episode was produced by the Smart Forests project funded by the European Research Council. Smart Forests is led by Professor Jennifer Gabrys and is based in the Department of Sociology at the University of Cambridge.

Header image: Research collaborators with the Smart Forests project conducting a participatory knowledge exchange workshop on digital technologies and forest management, 2024. Image source: Trishant Simlai.

Smart Forests Atlas materials are free to use for non-commercial purposes (with attribution) under a CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license. To cite this radio episode: Hamza, Mohammad Meer and Trishant Simlai, "Hamza: Digital Technologies, Van Gujjars and Mapping for Forest Rights", Smart Forests Atlas (2024), https://atlas.smartforests.net/en/radio/mohammad-meer-hamza. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.14016901.

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