Screenshot of the SNI Manifesto

Andrea Leiter: Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, and Self-Governing Nature

art blockchain cryptocurrency sovereignty value

In this radio episode, we speak to Dr Andrea Leiter, Assistant Professor at the Amsterdam Center for International Law and Director of Research at the nonprofit Sovereign Nature Initiative. Andrea discusses how emerging cryptocurrency and blockchain technologies can offer different ways of understanding, valuing, and governing nature, along with some of the dangers of the fast-paced, growing world of green financing.

Interviewers: Michelle Westerlaken and Danilo Urzedo

Producer: Harry Murdoch

Listen on Apple and Spotify.

This radio episode was produced by the Smart Forests project funded by the European Research Council. Smart Forests is led by Professor Jennifer Gabrys and is based in the Department of Sociology at the University of Cambridge.

Header image: Screenshot of the Sovereign Nature Initiative homepage and Manifesto. Image source: Sovereign Nature Initiative [screenshot]. Retrieved March 25, 2022 from https://sovereignnature.com/

Smart Forests Atlas materials are free to use for non-commercial purposes (with attribution) under a CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license. To cite this radio episode: Leiter, Andrea, Michelle Westerlaken, and Danilo Urzedo, "Andrea Leiter: Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, and Self-Governing Nature", Smart Forests Atlas (2023), https://atlas.smartforests.net/en/radio/andrea-leiter/. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10684158.

smart forests radio
Screenshot of the SNI Manifesto