
Smart Forests: Netherlands Case Study

Netherlands biodiversity participation

The Smart Forests project includes four case studies in Chile , Indonesia , the Netherlands , and India , co-created with local communities through field schools and workshops.

In the Netherlands, we looked at the increasing use of digital technologies for biodiversity monitoring , collaborating with communities in the ecovillage, Ecodorp Boekel. This case study spoke to ways that digital technologies can alter engagements with forest ecologies, suggesting a need for multi-perspectival approaches to forests and technologies.

This research also demonstrated the potential for smart forest technologies to create local, national and international forest networks . Research with the ecovillage showed how smart forest technologies, research and support might be unevenly distributed across regions, with some communities better able to attract funding than others.

The Netherlands segment of the Smart Forests film shows various ways that ecovillage residents contribute to biodiversity and engage in collective endeavours to develop new practices and technologies.

You can explore additional resources about the Netherlands case study on the Map.


Smart Forests Film: Netherlands Segment

Smart Forests_IV_Netherlands_screenshot

A workshop in the ecovillage, gathering the residents, digital technology experts, and environmental technologiests. Screenshot from the Smart Forests film.

The Smart Forests film has been created by Mind the Film, working together with on-site filmmakers, field school participants, and the Smart Forests research group. Full credits are available in the film.