
MapBiomas is a Brazilian collaborative network of non-governmental organizations, universities, and technology start-ups focused on remote sensing and vegetation mapping to produce land use and land cover assessments. With their maps, it becomes possible to evaluate environmental changes in Brazilian territory at a 30-meter resolution.


MapBiomas Fire presents the impacts of fire in Brazil over 36 years. In each of these years, Brazil burned an area larger than England - 150,957 sq kilometres per year.

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Screenshot of MapBiomas fire platform. Image source: MapBiomas [screenshot]. Retrieved 8 April, 2022 from https://mapbiomas.org/

Land Use and Land Cover

MapBiomas provides a historical series of annual land cover and uses in each Brazilian biome over the last 35 years. This mapping system is able to validate deforestation data and monitor mining activities, infrastructure developments, soil degradation in pastureland and forest regeneration .

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Screenshot of MapBiomas platform. Image source: MapBiomas [screenshot]. Retrieved 8 April, 2022 from https://mapbiomas.org/
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