
A collection of live camera traps for tracking particular species and encouraging citizen engagement .

Crescent City, California, United States

Save the Redwoods Live Webcam

Save the Redwoods League is a non-profit organisation that aims to protect and restore redwood forests in California. Virtual visitors can access a live webcam from Jedediah Smith Redwoods State Park, with links to the organisation's restoration projects. How do these virtual tools negotiate distance and proximity in efforts to protect forest environments? What forms of engagement do they make possible, and what experiences or perspectives might they exclude?

West Sussex, United Kingdom

White Stork Nest Camera

The White Stork Project is a partnership between private land owners and nature conservation organisations and work together to bring White Storks back to South East England for the first time in several hundred years. White Storks are a migratory bird species native to the UK, but failed to survive here, likely due to a combination of habitat loss, over-hunting, and targeted persecution.

Two storks from the White Stork Project livestream. Image source: White Stork Project [screengrab]. Retrieved 26 July 2022, from https://www.whitestorkproject.org/

This live stream shows a White Stork nest on Knepp Castle in West Sussex. This initiative is part of a citizen science project, and viewer are encouraged to report if you see anything interesting on the camera whilst watching. Specifically, the White Stork Project wants to know if you spot any displaying, mating, which individuals have been seen on the nest (identifiable by their blue leg rings), if you see eggs being laid, or eggs hatching. Additionally, report if you saw any other species using the nest. Lastly, post finding to Twitter using the hashtag #ISpyStorks