Project logbook for ARISE. This logbook started with a visit to the ARISE-day on March 30th 2022 at the Naturalis Biodiversity Center in Leiden, Netherlands . Project developments are updated as the ARISE project evolves.

ARISE Townhall - Autumn 2022

This seminar shows how the ARISE project has evolved over the past six months. Each of the five teams within ARISE shares updates and upcoming challenges. It is interesting to learn more about the datafication of this project and how the platform seeks to work both with specific use cases to develop prototypes, as well as follow a flexible data architecture that can be updated as data sources evolve.

ARISE-Day Keynotes

Besides various talks and demonstrations of the ARISE project, keynote speakers for this conference included Dutch astronaut Prof. André Kuipers, Prof. Wieke Willemen on biodiversity in social-ecologial systems (from 01:19:00 in the video ), and Prof. Toby Kiers from SPUN, the Society for the Protection of Underground Networks (from 03:33:00 in the video).

There are also plenty of other interesting talks and panels on new developments for biodiversity monitoring with digital technologies , sensors, infrastructures, algorithms, applications, and data management throughout the recordings.

Naturalis Biodiversity Center

The ARISE-day took place at the Naturalis Biodiversity Center, the Dutch national research institute for biodiversity, as well as a large museum with nearly 42 million objects. The newly renovated building opened in 2019, to provide ample space for a growing collection that was started in 1820. The museum can be visited virtually as well.

Naturalis Biodiversity Centre

The Naturalis Biodiversity Centre. Image source: Michelle Westerlaken [photograph]. Picture taken March 30, 2022.

ARISE - Connected Sensors

In order to build the ARISE database , many different types of sensors are used to identify and monitor different species. Some of the currently piloted sensors discussed and demonstrated include:


The DIOPSIS insect camera, built with Raspberry Pi and runs its own software. Insects are attracted to the yellow screen and are photographed when they are on the screen. More information on this device via Image source: Michelle Westerlaken [photograph]. Picture taken March 30, 2022.

The ARISE Project

The ARISE project works towards a digital biodiversity infrastructure that organizes all multicellular life in the Netherlands . This project is a collaboration between Naturalis Biodiversity Centre, the University of Amsterdam, the Westerdijk Fungal Biodiversity Institute, and the University of Twente, and aims to combine information from eDNA, AI-based recognition of both images, audio, and radar data, generated in new and existing monitoring programs, to yield a comprehensive picture of the country's biodiversity.

More details on this project, that recently received over 18 million euro funding from the Dutch Research Council (NWO), can be found on the ARISE website.


ARISE-Day image. Image source: ARISE. Retrieved April 6, 2022 from:

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