
The Atlas Natural Capital is an initiative by the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) and provides information on natural capital and ecosystem services . The platform offers various maps on forests and green environments in the Netherlands that give an idea of ​​the state of its ecosystem services.

Analyzing Green Environments Using Remote Sensing

One of the projects featured on the Atlas Natural Capital engages with remote sensing for the Loonse and Drunense dunes. This is a Natura 2000 site that is located near the city of ‘s-Hertogenbosch. Students at Avans University of Applied Sciences have been tasked with analysing the dunes' health by means of aerial imagery, such as drone and satellite imagery, soil sample analysis, ground-truthing of geospatial data, and mapping local vegetation. Story maps of these projects can be found on the Shifting Sands project page.

Screenshot of ARCGIS Story Map
Screenshot of the ARCGIS Story map of the Shifting Sands project. Image souce: Maxwell, Anholts, Broekhoven, and Ric-Hansen, 2020 [ARCGIS Story Map screenshot]. Retrieved March 25, 2022 from: https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/0a5aaed5bb8e4d5d9b7907e2ee362b9b